Particle Camp: The Fiendish Plan

Camera & lab equipment in the Prius

On the weekend of May 31 through June 2, Melissa, Dan and Ron traveled to the desert before the Burning Man event to measure base-line air quality.

Post by Dan – May 31, 2013

When in Gerlach Nevada, stay at the luxury lodging Bruno’s Motel, where Dr. Melissa Lunden has masked the skatole-scented room odor with test data sourced from kitchen matches. I like the sulfer smell better, I admit, though maybe cigarette smoke from the Bruno’s Country Club Bar could be a contender. Extra pump noise and special beeps enhance the experience. The scientists, Dr. Lunden and her assistant Ron Lussier, are studying the data and contemplating base line surveys starting tomorrow. I’m merely reporting.

Measuring on the Playa


Vince’s Particle Sniffer prototype in action (well, as much as it can exhibit action.)

Post by Ron – June 1 2013

Dinner @ Bruno’s. We ordered Prime Rib and Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. We were going to order Bruno’s World-Famous Ravioli, but a local warned us that it would have the benefit of giving us a free power cleanse.
