Using the Sharp dust sensor, I got Particle Sniffer to collect GPS and particle data.
We’ll probably just write out a string like below to the USB memory stick every 15 seconds or so; whatever Melissa requires.
Sn Part Latitude Longitude Date Time Alt
ID Data (deg) (deg) (m)
100 0.00 19.49998 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:34 670.30
100 0.00 19.49998 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:35 670.30
100 0.00 19.49998 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:36 670.30
100 0.01 19.49998 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:37 670.30
100 0.00 19.49999 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:38 670.40
100 0.01 19.49999 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:39 670.40
100 0.00 19.49999 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:40 670.40
100 0.00 19.49999 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:41 670.50
100 0.00 19.49999 -155.89759 04/28/2013 21:45:42 670.50
Sn ID is the Sniffer ID, which will be different for each PS device. Particle Data is particle density (after applying a linear algorithm to interpret the Sharp output) and the rest of the values come from the GPS.